10.2024 08
2024 Annual Technical Management Meeting

On the afternoon of October 7, technical management personnel from LIJU gathered at the Deqing production base's conference hall to brainstorm and collaborate, offering valuable insights and suggestions for the innovative development of LIJU.


Firstly, the lead designers of each product presented the progress in product structure optimization, performance enhancement, and process improvements. Many of these improvement ideas stemmed from a focus on the finer details observed in practice. Discovering problems is more critical than solving them—being complacent, blind to innovation, or failing to visit user sites to address issues means that a technician is reduced to nothing more than a "laborer" or a mere "carrier."

Then, the company's chief technical officer and senior executives shared their profound understanding of innovation. They emphasized that innovation is essential for LIJU's survival. It requires both bold, imaginative thinking and a grounded, practical approach. Innovation means challenging authority, avoiding blind obedience to hierarchy or tradition, and rejecting a rigid, test-driven mindset. It is not limited by scale or position—everyone, regardless of their role, can contribute. Moreover, innovation should focus on addressing customer needs and involve full participation from all employees. It must be a continuous process of improvement, happening anytime and anywhere, with no end.


Finally, He Junnan, the chairman of LIJU, elaborated on the difference between being qualified and being excellent. For a technician or manager, moving from being merely qualified to becoming outstanding requires a positive and proactive mindset. It involves working with passion, maintaining a commitment to independent learning, and fostering deep thinking. Innovation is key, as well as finding one's position within the company and fully unleashing one’s potential. Confidence and a proactive attitude towards contributing to the company’s development are essential in achieving personal value and showcasing one's talents. Technical talent is a crucial force and source of hope for the company's growth.


An afternoon of intellectual exchanges may have been brief, but the management and technical personnel in attendance undoubtedly felt the power of innovation. Their thinking has expanded beyond its previous limits, and they now feel a mental pull, driven by curiosity about the unknown. They inspired one another, competing to solve challenges and allowing the force of innovation to surge forward. Together, they will contribute to the development of LIJU. With this shared drive for progress, there's a strong belief that tomorrow will certainly be even better!

If you have any queries, get in touch today! Don't hesitate. We try to take the extra step for our customer satisfaction.